Year 6 Cohort Gift
Departing gift to Toowong State School

2023 Year 6 Cohort Gift

In 2023, a new sandpit was built with the help of Hutchinson Builders and the funds raised by the Year 6 families.

2023 Year 6 cohort departing gift: sandpit built by Hutchinson Builders and funded by Year 6 student fundraising and parent donations 2023 Year 6 cohort departing gift: sandpit in front of Toowong State School building
Thanks to all of the people who contributed to the 2023 departing gift, especially parent Antonia Posada who organised the project.


2022 Year 6 Cohort Gift

In 2022, over $2,000 was raised via student fundraising and parent donations. Three gifts were donated to the school by the Year 6 cohort of students (and their parents).
(1) Artist Ian Milton was commissioned to create a 60 cm by 50 cm (width x height) canvas painting capturing the original Toowong State School building for $720. Ian is a local and accomplished deaf artist and a grandfather to a child at Toowong State School. The painting was completed in Term 4 Week 3 and the Hussey family generously purchased the gift and donated it to the school.
(2) RS Visual Art were engaged to design and paint a rainforest mural on the black wall behind the water bubblers on the new 3-story building for $1,980.
(3) The remaining funds purchased a new Reading Chair to replace the existing reading chair in the school library (sorry no photo yet).

2022 Year 6 cohort departing gift #1: rainforest mural designed and painted by RS Visual Studio and funded by Year 6 student fundraising and parent donations
Thank you to the Year 6 students, Year 6 teachers and Year 6 parents who organised the Bake Stall at the Movie Night to raise funds toward the mural.
Thank you to the parents of the Year 6 students who donated generously to fund the mural.
Finally thank you to Lorraine Samson for taking the lead on this project and organising most of the departing gifts to the school.
2022 Year 6 cohort departing gift #2: commissioned canvas painting created by Ian Milton and funded by the Hussey family
Thank you to the Hussey family who generously funded the commission of this canvas painting created by local artist Ian Milton.


2021 Year 6 Cohort Gift

In 2021, the Year 6 students created individual pieces of art embracing the theme “something that means a lot to me” that were merged together to create a highly-personalised piece of art for the new 3-story school building.

2021 Year 6 cohort departing gift: highly-personalised piece of art embracing the theme “something that means a lot to me”
Thanks to the people who organised the 2021 departing gift to the school, particularly Xanthe Burton who lead the project to successful completion.


2020 Year 6 Cohort Gift

In 2020, the Year 6 students donated a piece of artwork commemorating the 140-Year Anniversary of Toowong State School (1880-2020). The black-and-white drawing was designed by Megan Grinstead and will be laser-cut into wood and mounted on acrylic as a piece of hanging art in the original school building.

2020 Year 6 cohort departing gift: 140-Year Anniversary commemorative artwork
Thanks to parent Tracey Logan who was instrumental in the organisation of the 2020 gift.


2019 Year 6 Cohort Gift

In 2019, the Year 6 students donated historical architectural drawings of the original Toowong State School building. The gift included two pieces of framed artwork to hang in the original school building.

2016 Year 6 cohort departing gift: first historical architectural drawings of the original Toowong State School building
2016 Year 6 cohort departing gift: second historical architectural drawings of the original Toowong State School building
Thanks to the people who organised the 2019 departing gift to the school.


2018 Year 6 Cohort Gift

In 2018, the Year 6 students donated a piece of metalic artwork that adorns the gate of the Quinn Street entrance to the school.

2016 Year 6 cohort departing gift: metalic artwork on the Quinn Street gate
Thanks to the people who organised the 2018 departing gift to the school.


2017 Year 6 Cohort Gift

In 2017, the Year 6 students donated a couple of Native Bee Hives, one of which is in the playground area, mounted on the wall of the Groundskeeper's shed (Randy Boyle).

2017 Year 6 cohort departing gift: Native Bee Hive
Thanks to the people who organised the 2017 departing gift to the school.


2016 Year 6 Cohort Gift

In 2016, the Year 6 students donated four wooden benches in playground area, surrounding the large tree.

2016 Year 6 cohort departing gift: four wooden benches in playground
Thanks to the people who organised the 2016 departing gift to the school.


2015 Year 6 Cohort Gift

In 2015, the Year 6 students donated a Weather Station. The computer screen is still visible on the wall in the school hall, next to the Tuck Shop. Unfortunately there is no humidity, rainfall or temperature data to read because the weather station instruments that were installed on the shed in the Sunken Garden have been decommissioned, possibly destroyed.

2015 Year 6 cohort departing gift: Weather Station but only the computer screen remains
Thanks to the people who organised the 2015 departing gift to the school,
particularly Andrew Freeman who installed the station.


2014 Year 6 Cohort Gift

In 2014, the Year 6 students donated six wooden benches to create a hexagonal seat around a tree trunk in the playground area.

2014 Year 6 cohort departing gift: hexagonal bench in playground
Thanks to the people who organised the 2014 departing gift to the school,
and thanks to Meg Cridland for spotting the plaque and snapping the photograph.


2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 or earlier

If you are aware of departing gifts from earlier cohorts of Year 6 students and even earlier cohorts of Year 7 students, please reach out and let us know. It would be great to capture more historical departing gifts on this web page. Thanks to Meg Cridland for spotting the 2014 gift and solving that little mystery.