Consider joining the P&C in 2021 and have your say in matters that impact the learning environment of your child(ren). One side effect from COVID-19, most meetings are held remotely via Zoom. Attend most meetings from the comfort of your own home, instead of the school staff room. Click on the link to join.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the second P&C General Meeting is later this term in Week 6, Wednesday 3 March 2021 at 7:00 pm. We will meet remotely using Zoom software. If you want to attend, please send an email message to the P&C Secretary, Antonia Posada, and you will receive a reply with the Zoom meeting ID. The AGM is held first, commencing at 7:00 pm and usually concludes by 8:00 pm. The general meeting is held immediately after the AGM and the shared aim is to make it a very quick meeting.
Have you joined the private Facebook group yet? The Toowong State School ~ Community Group ( ) is a useful place to keep up-to-date with activities happening in the school community. In addition, there are more social media pages and useful web sites where you can connect with the P&C Association and the services it offers. Click the link.
If you have any suggestions to improve the school campus facilities, fundraising ideas or want to find out more about the P&C, please reach out. Click the link below and most photos are clickable and will generate an email message.