School Newsletter - P&C News
2021 Term 1 Week 01

Friday 30 January 2021

Join the P&C Association in 2021

Consider joining the P&C in 2021 and have your say in matters that ultimately impact the learning environment of your child(ren). Since COVID-19, most meetings are held remotely from the comfort of your own home, instead of the school staff room.

Apply for 2021 P&C membership now »

First P&C meeting is Week 2

The first P&C General Meeting is Term 1, Week 2, Wednesday 03 February 2021 at 7:00 pm. We will meet remotely using Zoom software. If you want to attend, please send an email message the P&C Secretary, Antonia Posada, and you will receive a reply with the Zoom meeting ID and download URL. The P&C meet three times every term in week 2, 6 and 10 respectively.

Email the P&C Secretary »

Projects and Planning meeting is Week 2

The first Projects and Planning Subcommittee meeting will be held Wednesday 03 February 2021 at 6:00 pm, before the first P&C meeting mentioned above. We will meet remotely using Zoom software. If you can attend please send an email message to the P&C Secretary and Antonia Posada will reply with the Zoom meeting ID and download URL. Note, this meeting is of significant importance and urgency. There are many large-scale projects to discuss.

Lower campus projects:

  • appointment of Project Manager
  • renovation of old Pre-school (old TOSHC) building
  • renovation of outdoor toilet block for new TOSHC building ECEC application
  • planning of new outdoor play area between new-and-old TOSHC buildings
  • ideas for oval area - Cricket pitch, half-court Basketball/Soccer courts, boundary trees, shipping containers
  • Cricket net removal - received 4 community complaints
  • trees and retaining wall - neighbour complaint 103 Sylvan Road
  • school community consultation

Upper campus projects:

  • remove garden beds and water tank from sunken oval area
  • convert sunken oval to play area or wait for next 3-story Master Planning classroom block
  • demolish abandoned P&C shed on school hall veranda

Email the P&C Secretary »

People in your P&C

If you have any suggestions to improve the school campus facilities, fundraising ideas or want to find out more about the P&C, please reach out. Click the link below and most photos are clickable and will generate an email message.

View P&C people »

Connect with your school community

There are numerous social media pages and useful web sites where you can connect with the school community and the P&C Association and the services it offers. Click the link below.

List useful hyperlinks »