Working Bee
2021 Term 4 Week 07

Sunday 21 November 2021
9:00-12:00 pm, lower campus

The primary focus of the working bee is emptying the old Pre-School building on the lower campus. However, the upper campus garden beds require attention and 6 cubic metres of mulch.



  • Empty 20-foot shipping container at northern end of oval.
  • Empty old Pre-School (TOSHC) Building contents into shipping container. Need to empty building ready for asbestos removal contractors to commence work.
  • Spread 2 cubic metres of mulch over garden beds along bitumen service road, behind Tennis courts.
  • Bobcat arrives at 1:00 pm, after you leave, to move the pile of sand near shipping container into sandpit near outdoor toilet block.


  • Garden beds along undercover walkway leading to school hall - trim bushes and trees and weed garden.
  • Garden bed running parallel to school hall - trim bushes and trees and weed garden.
  • Spread 6 cubic metres of mulch on the garden beds mentioned above.
  • Quinn Street entrance gate, gather Elephant tree leaves and dispose into green-waste skip bin.
  • Sunken garden area with water tank, move the pile of sticks and branches into green-waste skip bin.
  • Remove tree stump at northern end of school hall.
We will advertise for volunteers in the school newsletter and the Facebook community group (private). 

Photographs available after event