Mother's Day Stall
2021 Term 2 Week 07

Friday 07 May 2021
9:00 - 2:30 pm, school hall?

Historically, the Mother's Day Stall is held in the school hall on the Toowong State School upper (primary) campus. In 2021 construction of the Master Planning 3-story GL classroom building leaves no space for the children and the new split break routine will see the school hall full of children for big chunks of the day. We might have to run the stall on the lower campus in the new TOSHC building and the teachers escort the students down-and-up the Kate Street hill.


Activities include:

  • 5 tables with 2 price ranges per table
  • gifts priced at $1-$2, $3-$4, $5-$6, $7-$8, $9-$10
  • 2 parent volunteers to service each table
  • payment station
  • wrapping station
We will advertise for volunteers in the school newsletter and Facebook community group (private) to service the stalls. 

Photographs available after event