School Newsletter - P&C News
2021 Term 1 Week 03

Friday 12 February 2021

Welcome Dinner

The annual Welcome Dinner is next week, Friday 19 February at 5:00 pm. For the first time it will be held on the lower campus oval, behind the Tennis courts and new (TOSHC) building. COVID-19 prevention regulations require additional preparation and compliance steps to attend.

  1. Register for a free ticket at Eventbrite. No ticket, no entry on the night.
  2. Volunteer an hour of your time to help share the COVID-safety workload. We need people to service the Bar, check tickets at the entry gate, be a Marshall to monitor social distancing and the ever popular – clean toilets and empty rubbish bins.
    or visit click Make a Booking and type code by29y
  3. Facebook users, let us know if you are Going, Maybe or Can't Go.

Entertainment includes food, drinks, music and a casual environment to get-together and chat with other people, while observing COVID-19 social distancing safety protocols.

  1. Food truck #1 is Rolling Stone Pizza
  2. Food truck #2 is The Weiner Wagon
  3. Food truck #3 is Yummi Fruit Ice-creamery
  4. Musical entertainment thanks to parent, singer, songwriter and performer Jarrod Murphy
  5. Bar is serving beer, champagne (Prosecco), soft drink, water and wine (0.0% alcohol beer available too)
  6. Find parents with children in the same class as your little-one(s) and have a chat

View the latest Welcome Dinner information here »

Join the P&C Association in 2021

Consider joining the P&C in 2021 and have your say in matters that impact the learning environment of your child(ren). One side effect from COVID-19, most meetings are held remotely via Zoom. Attend most meetings from the comfort of your own home. Click the link below to apply.

Apply for 2021 P&C membership now »

AGM and 2nd General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the second P&C General Meeting is Week 6, Wednesday 3 March 2021 at 7:00 pm. We will meet remotely using Zoom software. If you want to attend, please send an email message to the P&C Secretary, Antonia Posada. The AGM is held first, commencing at 7:00 pm and usually concludes by 8:00 pm. The General Meeting is held immediately after the AGM.

Email the P&C Secretary »

Connect with your school community

Have you joined the private Facebook group yet? The Toowong State School ~ Community Group ( ) is a useful place to keep up-to-date with activities happening in the school community. Click the link below for more social media pages and useful web sites where you can connect with the P&C Association and the services it offers.

List useful hyperlinks »